Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Review for Amy Winehouse

As far Amy Winehouse is concerned. I think she's great. Original, low down, and full of soul, she has helped me appreciate jazz, blues, r&b, classical 60's music reborn anew, what it means to be a crazy person or possibly, put another way: what it means to be a modern chanteuse who doesn't care. That's right, she doesn't care. What I think.

I like that. I also relate to her. Seriously. I found out when I was researching this that she is a Virgo, like me. Possibly that is why. I have hair issues, and she certainly does. I like lying around on my bed. How much more could we have in common?

Anyway, you please yourself when you sing, or you're worthless.

Back to Black is a great album. It has won a ton of awards and so has she. Let's hope she makes it, emotionally, for years and years.

It's not healthy for her public to find her self destructiveness interesting and fun to watch. That is stupid. There is more to her than that.

Here is a song I chose for you to watch to see what I like about her: other people like different songs:http://youtube.com/watch?v=I6LVGcIC1Tc

As to whether or not she entered rehab today (it's not an act, she is incredibly self destructive), I don't know yet. She was rumored to heading there.

Here are some cool quotes I gathered up from people I know about her and whether they like her:

"Amy Winehouse - a raw talent. So raw it needs Savlon"<--note: Savlon is like Desitin. "Not Bad" is my quote....." "I think she's rockin' a totally unique visual vibe and her eyeliner is beyond the beyond. This is coming from a gal who learned the liquid liner tricks from the best drag queens in the Bay Area! She worries me with the not showing up at gigs, that's bad form." "I love Amy! I have her CD - Back To Black. She's that Bad Girl we all have a little of inside us. Great tattoos, naughty attitude, potty mouth. What's not to love? :0) Now if she can handle fame and get her sh-- together, she has places to go. Otherwise.... just another heartbreak.....Guess that's about it.... except maybe - I think she has a ton of talent, and look forward to hearing more form her." "I love her 'Back to Black' CD but I have to admit that this track isn't among my favorites. I am stuck on 'You Know I'm No Good, 'Back To Black, 'Just Friends', 'Rehab' & 'Love is a Losing Game' - almost in that order but not quite. The language on these is most definitely not suitable for the young amongst us. In the video clip, are they deliberately aping Massive Attack's iconic video for 'Unfinished Sympathy'? If they have, they've made a rather tawdry mess of it. Her voice IS the most wonderful instrument & her phrasing is superb. She has so much talent - it must be hard to keep your cool & control when you're still only 23. I sincerely hope she recovers soon. I like one bit on the sleeve of the CD: 'Thank you to the founder of PWRB (People Who Read in Bed), Gilly Mixer. Thank you for making me secretary.' Based on that I'd say she has a very good sense of humor."

here's another one:

"I've heard her before on Radio Paradise, an Internet radio station that I listen to at work. I'm lukewarm about her. I don't turn it off, but rather wait to hear what's on next. She sounds good at first yet somehow becomes annoying. I like her band a lot, but her singing is too stylized and almost sounds "lazy" to me. The retro sound she's going for seems to end up sounding mostly unoriginal. She seems talented, so maybe if she got clean and serious she could further refine and develop??? "


Thanks everyone! and if anyone else wants to put in a thought on this, go right ahead, either by commenting or emailing me!



Margot Potter said...

This is a rockin' review. Nice work, Jeanie!

I meant to comment earlier but this day is kickin' my ass.


Candi (Jean Yates) reviews! said...

hey--remind me--I'll come calling whenever YOU need me! thank you, my friend!!!