Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hall and Oates review

this is my review for go hit positive on it there if you like it!

leave comments, disagree, whatever, here, if you don't. So far I haven't heard from them concerning my Amazon Vine thing. I wish they would hurry up! I am looking forward to it!!!


under Hall and Oates Rock 'N Soul Part 1:

It is interesting how the reviewers of this album seem to choose distinctly different favorites from this classic '80s album, at least as far down as I read. I have a total soft spot for Hall and Oates when they are singing their live version of "Wait for Me" on this album. That song is my absolute favorite. I prefer all their more romantic ballads in fact. However, because this song is live, it has an urgency and rhythmic energy which I think is part of what made them so popular. It is brought to the fore in this song. The response of the crowd and the guitar solo add to emotion of the song in a remarkable way. That is why I keep buying this album, in its various forms, from record to tape to CD. It strikes a really fine chord with me. On the other hand, I do have some songs I am not crazy about. I skip right over "Maneater", for example, but I understand why people like it. It has a certain tempo and quality which actually pretty much sum up a lot of eighties songs. I mean I get it...It has a bop to it which is an eighties bop. I know--I was there. I just don't place it in my list of favorites from this excellent album. I don't like thinking of women as maneaters, either. Things have changed! So ultimately, I would rather sway... give me the slow sweet songs that Hall and Oates deliver so well. Then give me my car, some privacy so that no one laughs at me as I sing along really loud, and let me listen to "Sara Smile", "One on One", and some of the other more sensuous songs the famous purveyors of blue-eyed soul served up back in the day. As Chef, in the cartoon South Park, once said, "Girls love Hall and Oates!"


Jenny said...

So, question. I wanted to vote over on the side, about my dream, but I can't. Because what is listed there, while it is something I aspire to pretty much all the time, is not my dream. But it seems you can only vote if that is, in fact, your dream.

Really it's neither here nor there. Nothing to worry about. Nothing like, say, a chipped elbow, which I am dealing with.

I enjoyed the review of the astronaut movie most. Nicely done. I just watched Akeela and the Bee with my friend visiting from DC. She is a high school teacher and therefore a sucker for movies about schools. I have mixed feelings about the movie, starting with the fact that it is a Starbucks production.

My elbow and I are heading to bed now, with the darn theology book close at hand.

Candi (Jean Yates) reviews! said...

I haven't figured it out yet. there should be lines you can fill out! you could then vote on what you want! let's see next week